Monday, January 14, 2013

New year, new journey!

I cannot believe that my last post was in July 2012! It is now 2013 and I will try to write a little more this year, I hope. Life does get in the way, doesn't it? In the latter half of 2012 I made a trip to country New South Wales and enjoyed the beauty of New England country down under. I taught another term of watercolour classes before taking a break from teaching in November till now. Teaching has been one of the most enjoyable experiences of the year, and watching my students progress gives me tremendous satisfaction. As I was giving demonstrations at every lesson, my own skills have improved too!
“It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson
Logo designed by Artist Bee. All rights reserved 2013.

2013 marks the beginning of a new phase in my life in art. I have just started as volunteer facilitator of  a new community arts group in Subiaco and this will be my "baby" for a while.  The Art Seeds Project aims to provide a safe, relaxed and nurturing space once a week for people to explore their creativity.. People bring along their own art/craft project to do alongside others for a small fee which includes tea/coffee. Absolute beginners will receive help and guidance by the facilitator or more experienced members.