Sunday, February 19, 2012

Painting Roses

I took a bunch of roses to class today as inspiration for still life and as a post-Valentine's day treat. I have loved roses above all other flowers as far as I can remember, ever since I saw my first rose as a child. I remember being spanked once by my sister because I had plucked a red rose from our garden. It left a deep impression on me, for I had never been spanked before, not even by my mother, as I was usually a very compliant child. My sis, who was an avid gardener, had specifically forbidden me to take any flower from her rose bush. However I was so smitten by the rose that somehow I could not resist taking it, such was its attraction to me.

As an artist one has to understand one's subject in order to paint it well. A thorough understanding of the structure and form as well as love for the subject will show through the painting. As someone has aptly put it, "It's not what you paint but how you paint it" that truly matters. I hope my understanding and love of this beautiful flower will shine through my paintings.

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