Thursday, April 19, 2012

Art Mural Day 6

Beginning of Day 6
Energised by a rest day yesterday coupled with fine weather, we made excellent progress today. I managed to get most of the tree done and we also put in the colours in the sky. A very capable young Phoebe painted more silhouettes while Helen and Chris helped with the sky. We also set up a videocamera to record the growth of our tree. By the end of day 6, this is what we have after one of the most productive days so far:

End of Day 6

Chris having a go on the cherry picker
What has been most heartwarming about this project has been the tremendous impact it has on relationships in the community, both within the church and without. As I have been practically camping out in the site 12 hours a day, I got to know the regular passers by, delivery people and people working and living in the neighbourhood. Many of them stopped by to tell us how pleased they were with the mural and what they liked about it. There is also Vince, who came specially just to see the progress of the mural every evening. I also got to know people who volunteered to help and many of the volunteers too, got to know one another. And for two days in a row, I have had people just come buy us drinks and even cooked us dinner! How wonderful is that!

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