Saturday, May 12, 2012

When is a painting finished?

Tulips for a birthday girl

My quick demonstration sketch

An unexpected bunch of beautiful tulips replaced the still life arrangement I originally intended to set up for the class today.  They were a birthday gift for a lovely lady who decided to share these beautiful blooms with us for a little while.  I could not resist doing a quick sketch to show the class how I would approach the subject. It was hard to stop... and I would have loved to go on painting... 

It is hard sometimes to decide when a painting is finished. A helpful way is to stop for a while, wait a day and look at the painting again. If by then I am satisfied and there is nothing in the painting bothering me, then I would consider it finished even though at the time when I stopped I might not think so. Or, I might find that the painting needs more work and carry on. It is always good to take a break, look afresh at one's work and this stop and start again process often can prevent too much overworking which can ruin the spontaneous fresh feeling that is there in the early stages.

I am putting this one aside till tomorrow, then I will decide if I want to leave it or work on it some more.

Postscript: This is the painting two days later:
The Completed Painting Two days Later -
Tulips in a vase by Artist Bee

1 comment:

  1. I must add, that I do have a whole lot of unfinished work. I reckon it is not too late even if i finished them eventually.... or perhaps never? :)
